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What Is the Syntax of Horizontal Rule

You can do a lot of things in HTML. You can create line breaks. You can embed images. You can make the text bold or italicized. You can even create a thematic pause using the horizontal HTML rule element. Sets the orientation of the rule on the page. If no value is specified, the default value is retained. Specifies the length of the rule on the page of a pixel or percentage value. The

HTML tag is used to give a thematic break between paragraphs. We use the hr tag to break the flow of content by drawing a horizontal line between paragraphs. For example, we can

use the tag for a scene change when writing a play or story. The align attribute allows us to align the horizontal line to the left, center or right of the screen. Because the

tag appears as a horizontal ruler in browsers, you may want to consider using it to draw a line.

The CSS border property is used to style the horizontal ruler. To create a horizontal line in HTML, use

the element. You can place the element, which means “horizontal line

,” anywhere you want to create a horizontal line on a web page. Like the img element, the element is an “

empty element” because it does not have a closing tag. In this article, you will learn how to create a horizontal line and adjust its color, width, and orientation on the page. You can use the CSS-margin property to change the position of the horizontal line element. For example, if I wanted the line to be left-aligned instead of centered, I could set the margin-left property to 0. I should also set the width of

the element.

In HTML5, however, the element has become

semantic. Semantic HTML is essentially HTML code that says what it does. This is better for web accessibility, as browsers, assistive reading technologies, and other automated systems will be able to detect a thematic pause. This also means that the above attributes are deprecated. As shown in the screenshot below,

we can use the tag to separate the content of a web page. A horizontal line is drawn between paragraphs. It is also known as horizontal line in HTML. We can define a horizontal line without shading using the noshade attribute. However, you should not do this because the horizontal line is displayed for presentation purposes only and not semantically.

Instead, you need to draw a line with a div or span. In this article, you will learn what the

tag looks like, what it is used for, and what attributes it accepts. Knowing the basics of HTML can be extremely helpful for digital marketers. This can free up relying on a freelance webmaster or web developer for simple updates to your website or email newsletter, like creating a horizontal line on the page. In the past, this was represented by a ruler or horizontal line. While it can still be displayed as a horizontal ruler in visual browsers, this element is now defined in semantic terms rather than in terms of presentation, so if you want to draw a horizontal line, you need to do so with proper CSS. You can use the CSS background-color property to set the color of the horizontal line element. But first you need to specify the height of

the element. You must also set the border-width property to 0. Otherwise, the default gray horizontal line appears above the thicker colored line you create. The

HTML tag is used to create a horizontal rule. This is also known as horizontal rule in HTML.

You can use the CSS width property to set the width of the horizontal line element. You can set this property with percentages or length values (px, pt, em, and rem are just a few of them). Now that we understand the advantage of a horizontal line, let`s see how to create one in HTML. As shown in the following example, we can change the dimensions of the horizontal line using the width and size attributes. Let`s say you want to mark a scene change in a play, a new section of an essay, or the conclusion of an article. In each of these cases, you can create a horizontal line to visually mark this change. In browsers, the

tag appears as a horizontal line or line, as follows: The

HTML tag is a block-level element that transfers all of the following elements to another line. The external appearance of the horizontal line defined by the tag depends on the browser type.

Most often it is displayed with a border, creating a 3D effect. The tag defines a break in an HTML page

or is used to separate the content of an HTML page using a horizontal line, and is most often displayed as a horizontal ruler. To

style the element now, you must use CSS. Let`s see how you can change the color, width and position of a horizontal line with CSS below. Here is an example of a horizontal line with the width and margin properties: The

tag defines a break with the horizontal line in an HTML page. The

tag is an empty element. It has only one aperture beacon, that is

. Sets the color of the ruler to color name or hexadecimal value. To create a default horizontal line,

I add the tag between two paragraph elements.

Here is the code and the result: The noshade attribute creates the horizontal line without shading. The tag in HTML means horizontal line

and is used to insert a horizontal line or social break into an HTML page to divide or separate sections of the document. The tag is an

empty tag and does not require an end tag.

The element is most often displayed as a horizontal line used to separate (or define a change) the content of an HTML page. In HTML5, the

tag defines a thematic switch between paragraph-level elements of an HTML page. In previous versions of HTML, it was used to draw a horizontal line on the page that visually separates the content. In HTML5, it has a semantic tag meaning. Learn more about HTML and CSS and how you can use them to improve your website. See Christina Perricone`s (@hubspot) eYvVRWQ pen on CodePen.

Below is the list of supported browsers for the

HTML tag – The size attribute specifies the height of the line. The color attribute is used to specify a color for the

tag. There are a few additional attributes supported

by tags: The

HTML tag is used to give a thematic break between paragraphs on a web page. The

tag is used when we want to change the subject or break the flow of content. The tag is

empty, which means that the closing tag is not required. However, in XHTML

, the () tag must be closed (

). Here`s what it would look like if we set a green color for the

tag: The following programs illustrate the

tag in HTML:Example 1:. Setting a good targeting for the

tag looks like this: You can

use the HTML tag to separate different topics on a page. Get the tools and skills you need to improve your website. Subscribe to the site`s blog.


tag accepts attributes such as width, color, size, and alignment.

The element was previously not semantic, so you can format it with the following attributes. The tag in HTML

supports all global and event attributes in HTML. We often use this tag when we want to create a topic break or separate elements on an HTML page. Before I show you what each attribute looks and works like, I`ll center everything in the body with this CSS code: Check out this example on The Atlantic, which marks the end of the article and the beginning of the author`s biography. The HTML tag

also supports the following additional attributes: The width attribute is used to specify a width for the

tag. It accepts pixels or percentage as the value. The

tag is an empty element. This means that it has only one opening tag,

. Starting with HTML5, we now need to add a forward slash to the tag of an empty element.

So instead of just having

, you should do it


The HTML element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements, such as a scene change in a story or a topic change in a section. Here is the example of a program that

uses the tag to separate the content of the Web page. Tag attributes: The following table describes tag

attributes. These attributes are not supported in HTML5: Here is the sample program to add style to the tag

. This tag supports all global attributes described in – HTML Attribute Reference. Block elements have line breaks before and after the element. The HTML tag

does not require a closing tag.

The default value is left, which means that if no alignment is set, the

tag is automatically aligned to the left. The

tag in HTML is a block element, which means that it starts a new line and uses the entire width of the page. Use the tag to define

thematic changes in the content: The size attribute allows you to set a height for the

tag. The value must be set in pixels.

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