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Helpful Tips for Families of Children with Significant Cognitive Disabilities During the Pandemic and Beyond

By Padmaja Sarathy, author of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Seven Steps of Support Engage your child in motivating activities to sustain attention and active involvement. Weather: Go outside to check the temperature. Get your child to observe daily temperature changes. Help make temperature comparisons, higher or lower readings. Also, involve reading…Read the full article…

How Emotional Intelligence Impacts Your Classroom

As an educator, you spend a lot of time planning lessons to impart subject matter effectively. However, the manner of your delivery and the climate of your classroom impacts achievement more than the best lecture. When students feel comfortable, they learn more effectively. You, as a teacher, need to cultivate…Read the full article…

How Hands-On Learning Benefits Students From Kindergarten to College

In one month, a person can forget up to 80% of the new information they’ve learned. However, students are more likely to retain information when they absorb it through multiple senses. When kids and adults alike use more than one sense to learn, they have more ways to retrieve the…Read the full article…

The Importance of a Growth Mindset in Teachers

Much attention has been given recently to the importance of a growth mindset in students, but what about the importance of a growth mindset in teachers? As a teacher, how do you want students to respond when they don’t get the grade they expected? Do you want them to argue…Read the full article…

Expert Tips for Prioritizing Bullying Prevention Year Round in Schools

Although October is bullying prevention month, sadly students are bullied year round and bullying prevention should be a priority for schools all year long.  Everyone knows what bullying is, but it’s important for teachers and school staff to have a deep understanding of the circle of bullying. Bullying involves not…Read the full article…

The Toll of Social Media on Mental Health in Children and Adolescents—and What You Can Do About It

Social media can have a detrimental effect on mental health, especially for children and adolescents, many of whom spend hours a day, unsupervised, on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. Although social media can be a way of connecting a with friends, it more often than…Read the full article…

How Experiential Learning Can Enhance Comprehension and Equity

The world grows more diverse daily, but outdated teaching modalities prohibit full equity in the classroom. Traditional techniques — such as lecturing — engage only a small percentage of learners. Children learn through all their senses, not only their ears. While discussion engages more than explanation, even this practice alienates…Read the full article…

Ongoing Learning Strategies & Opportunities for the Exceptional Educator

If you’re a teacher, continuing education matters for several reasons. You need to meet the minimum state requirements to keep your certificate active. But continuing ed offers so much more than legal compliance. Continuing education keeps you abreast of best practices and assessment techniques. It arms you with new strategies…Read the full article…

MTSS for Suicide Prevention

It’s suicide prevention week. Does your school have a comprehensive, multi-tiered system in place for suicide prevention? Youth Suicide Statistics Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2017 CDC WISQARS) Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18. (2017 CDC WISQARS) More teenagers and…Read the full article…

Building and Healing Relationships through Restorative Practices in Schools

Rufus Lott III Offers Three Workshops on Differentiated Discipline in Florida Common discipline problems in schools, such as bullying, misbehaving in class, and conflict, represent at their core a fracturing of relationships. Restorative practices/RP (also known as restorative justice) is a differentiated, whole-school approach that focuses on building positive relationships…Read the full article…