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What Is the Need for the Knowledge of Law

In addition to the problems of distinguishing between lawyers and paralegals, it is difficult to draw a line between paralegals and “non-lawyer” professions. For example, many non-legal professions require the use of very specific legal knowledge, which is usually applied very regularly. Examples include drafting contracts for routine real estate transactions (typically by U.S. real estate sellers), drafting routine loan agreements (by bank officials), settling tort claims (by non-legal insurance company agents), or advising on probate or tax matters (by financial advisors and accountants). In a sense, all of these professions could be called paralegals; For some professions, the work of paralegals is only part of their job (e.g. Real estate agents), while for others (e.g., insurance agents), the vast majority of their work is. An international law firm works on issues decided by several jurisdictions. It can be a standard business transaction in a single jurisdiction or a sophisticated business in multiple interacting countries, such as in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. In this last type of case, international law firms are key players in a world where the law is increasingly globalized. They “sanctify the relationships that global players build when they do business. Without the imprimatur granted in the documentation of the big company, transactions will always seem somewhat banal and suspicious. (Flood, 2007) Legal education usually begins with a bachelor`s degree, although in some countries law may be taught in secondary schools at the same time as civics or citizenship.

In the United States, most law schools require a degree, and this is also the case in India and Pakistan. Basic legal studies, in which the foundations of legal knowledge are laid, are therefore the normal initial or academic phase of legal education, although most countries allow a certain degree of flexibility in terms of access to (and exit) of professional qualifications. Postgraduate degrees are used to prepare students for specialized areas of legal work or a career in academic law; Students can take a master`s course or read for a graduate degree, leading to an MPhil or PhD. Overall, society believes that only law students or lawyers should acquire legal knowledge without realizing the importance of understanding primary legal education. This is essential and society should at least have the basic idea of laws, i.e. fundamental rights to consumer protection laws. People think it`s not their thing, so they never try to get knowledge about it. So, if in many cases an individual right is violated, it is not because of a lack of knowledge.

The international law firm embodies the knowledge-effective professional services organization. Librarians who work in such a company have access to a wealth of legal, business and industry information. Much of this activity will involve foreign jurisdictions or unknown areas of activity. Some of it will be produced in-house and accessible via the intranet; Some will be found in external sources, in the ever-growing files of subscriber databases. While librarians are not generally expected to be competent researchers in the laws of many countries because of their position as a point of contact for information, they are expected to at least be able to identify individuals in the company who could conduct such research (or who can point the person asking the question in the right direction). For example, the Bangkok office librarian can probably get a copy of these new arbitration rules from the Thai Stock Exchange if Washington DC staff have trouble finding them. Or a London Information Commissioner is the best source for retrieving the most up-to-date model for aircraft leases under UK law. Conversely, the Moscow lawyer seeking a quick introduction to the interpretation of mutual termination in contractual cases by the New York State courts would be well advised to send a request by e-mail to the New York Library. Due to technological developments and various other aspects, the world is currently experiencing a huge shift towards “electric vehicles”, “cryptocurrency”, etc., but ask yourself what it takes to know the fundamental rights about them, how important it is for all of us to implement basic policies or regulations. The New York office of my firm, where my library is located, houses a major corporate finance and capital markets practice. We have a solid selection of online and print sources to meet the research needs of this team. A librarian gains expertise when answering all levels of reference questions and constantly turns to these resources.

One of the strengths I have gained is a solid understanding of the multi-dimensional legal structure of U.S. securities decision-makers. Another is the ingenuity of a power seeker to find a certain disclosure language in documents filed by public companies with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In a precedent-based regulatory system, this identification of disclosure language accepted by the SEC in previous filings is a daily necessity for corporate finance lawyers. The questioning of the notion of law, the diversity of responses and the resulting wider methodological range of science have also partially eliminated the distinction between jurisprudence and teaching. The fundamental questions about the nature and purpose of law and the nature of legal knowledge must now be resolved by scholars engaged in detailed doctrinal analysis. Such questions can, of course, be ignored for simplicity`s sake, but the work will be questioned by those who question its fundamental premises. Again, the distinction has not been completely abolished; In practice, many scholars are content with an analysis of doctrine within one or another sub-discipline of jurisprudence and let others fight the more theoretical battles on their behalf.

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