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What Is the Best Definition of Jeopardy

She had had a difficult year, accused by soldiers of damaging a vehicle in a case that was later dismissed but jeopardized her career in law enforcement. “Jeopardy.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. On Friday, she fired Roger Goodell, essentially asking, “Hey Commissioner, have you ever heard of double jeopardy?” Um longed to return for his straw sandals, but this freedom of the night was already far too precious to endanger her. In the first case, man`s most precious possession, his life, is in danger, and his greatest powers are used to preserve it. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “danger”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Meanwhile, fears remain that Ginsburg is gone, that previous LGBTQ victories on the Supreme Court are at risk. Geoffrey Chaucer used the word Jeopardy in his late 14th century masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, but its Middle English form may make it difficult to recognize: it appears in the expression “in jupart” with a meaning very similar to the meaning of the word in the modern expression “endangered” – that is, “endangered”. The spellings of what we now describe only as a danger were countless.

The Oxford English Dictionary reports that the word was written in very different ways between the late 14th and mid-17th centuries, including iuperti, yoberte, iepardye, ieoberye and jobardy. With what fervor do they pray for their companions in tribulation, when they themselves were in danger every hour! I`m not stupid enough to put my precious naps at risk, especially when I miss them so much. Nglish: Translation of jeopardy for Spanish To be in danger is to be in danger. Eating three plates of nachos a day can improve your chances of winning your office`s nachos contest. Unfortunately, it could also put your health at risk. The Public Lawyers Office suspects that SDG&E could jeopardize the approval of its security certificate if SDG&E does not provide justification. Dominguez-Bello`s research collections have been threatened repeatedly, from political unrest when his lab was stationed in Venezuela to Hurricane Sandy after moving his lab to New York University. Note: The danger is joined or takes effect for the purposes of double prosecution when a jury is sworn in or, in a trial without a jury, when the judge begins to hear evidence. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits double punishment for the same offense, regardless of whether the first trial ends in an acquittal, conviction, or erroneous trial.

However, if there is an error in trial due to obvious necessity or if a defendant appeals a conviction, the double jeopardy rule does not apply. The question of manifest necessity is decided by the trial judge and, where appropriate, by a court of appeal. Trying to force them to pay was tantamount to putting freedom and even life at risk. Newark Beth Israel`s one-year survival rate for heart transplants had plummeted, and if Young died too soon, the program`s reputation and even his own survival could be in jeopardy. Jeopardy is a state of being, so this word is almost always preceded by the preposition “in”. The phrase “in danger” is just one of many ways to convey that someone is in trouble. You can also try “endangered”, “endangered” or – if you like idioms – “on thin ice”, “on a branch” or “go up the stream without a paddle”. They joke with Alex Trebek and tell stories from life after Jeopardy! Theme music by Joshua Stamper 2006©New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP Even if you count the time I spent preparing my original Jeopardy! Increase your test score with programs developed by experts. I wish there was nothing else to do but take my Jeopardy! Middle English jeopardie, from Anglo-French juparti, alternative gameparty, literally, divided game. In the semifinals, she was in a special position for someone from Jeopardy!.

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