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Legal Age Denmark

In addition, it is illegal for an adult to engage in sexual acts with a minor under the age of 18 if the adult abuses the authority or influence he or she has over the minor to obtain sexual access. Alcohol laws in Denmark differ for beer and wine spirits. The age limit for buying beer and wine in Denmark is 16 in shops and 18 in bars and restaurants. For the purchase of alcohol with a percentage above 16.5%, the minimum legal age in Denmark is 18 years. Danish Regions, the advocacy organisation for Denmark`s five regions, proposed in April 2017 to extend this approach to shops, supermarkets and kiosks – as in many other European countries. (Source: CPH Post) Before 2014, sodomy was illegal, the age of consent was reserved for women, and sexual contact with a woman between the ages of 13 and 16 was a crime. Since 2014, the age of consent has been set at 16 for both men and women, sexual contact with any child under the age of 16, regardless of gender, is a crime, and the ban on sodomy has been lifted, legalizing same-sex relations. [17] Homosexual acts, both between men and women, have been banned in Sweden since 1864, and in 1944 homosexual acts became legal – but with a higher age of consent of 18 (21 if the youngest party was in a situation of dependency) than for heterosexual acts, which have always been set at 15. The age of consent was finally raised to 15 in 1978, regardless of sexual orientation. [130] It is also not legal to have sex with related adults, but the penalties for it (up to two years) are much lighter than those for raping a child (two to six years, four to ten years if they worsen). Until 1961, homosexual acts were illegal. After decriminalization, the age of consent for homosexual acts was 20 and remained so until 1978. Until 1999, the age of consent to such acts was set at 18 years, in accordance with article 199.

In 2002, the Hungarian Constitutional Court repealed Article 199 and the age of consent for homosexual acts was lowered to 14 for heterosexual acts. The Austrian Criminal Code previously set 18 as the age of consent for male homosexual relations, in which the other partner was between 14 and 18 years, while there was no corresponding provision for heterosexual sexual conduct or in connection with female homosexuality; it was section 209 of the Criminal Code. In November 1996, an amendment to delete Article 209 was submitted to the Austrian Parliament; But the vote ended in a draw and the amendment was not adopted. A similar amendment was tabled in July 1998; It was rejected by the conservative majority. Article 209 came into force when homosexuality between men became legal in 1971. Since September 2007, the age of consent has been formally amended by the Criminal Code of September 2007. Although the age of consent in Portugal is 14, the legality of sexual acts with minors between the ages of 14 and 16 must be interpreted legally, as the law states that it is illegal to perform a sexual act with a young person between the ages of 14 and 16 “taking advantage of their inexperience”. [100] Homosexual acts were first legalized in Portugal in 1852, with the same age of consent at that time – although homosexuality was criminalized again in 1886. They were decriminalized a second time in 1983 and the age of consent was set at 16, which corresponds to heterosexual activity. In 1995, a new penal code was introduced with “different circumstances” for different sexual behaviors. Since September 2007, the age of consent has been 14, regardless of sexual behaviour, gender or sexual orientation. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16 can be prosecuted (unless they are under 10 years old, the age of criminal responsibility).

This means that consensual sex between consenting people of the same age (for example, a 16-year-old and a 15-year-old) can also lead to prosecution for committing a sexual offence. For this reason, guidelines have been established on how a person who has had sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16 can be followed appropriately based on the age of a person under the age of 16 at the time of sexual intercourse. The Crown Prosecution Service generally has the discretion not to prosecute if the facts of the case do not warrant it, and the judge (or judges, as the case may be) has the discretion to impose lighter or harsher sentences up to the limits of the law if the facts warrant it. It is rare for people aged 13 or older who voluntarily engage in sexual intercourse or sexual activity to be prosecuted as long as all those involved were of the same age and it was not about other issues such as violence, abuse or extortion. [ref. necessary] The age of consent in San Marino is 14 years in accordance with article 173. [117] According to Article 177, it is also illegal to “incite minors under the age of 18 to sexual corruption.” [118] The general provision on the age of consent in Greece is 15 years, as provided for in Articles 339 and Articles 337 and 348b of the Greek Penal Code. In 2015, along with the legalization of same-sex civil partnerships, Article 347 was repealed, which provided for an additional ban on seducing a man under the age of 17 if the actor is an adult male, bringing the age of consent for homosexual acts into line. [41] Article 227-27 prohibits sexual relations with minors over the age of 15 (15, 16, or 17) “if committed by an ascendant or other person having legal or de facto authority over the victim; (2) if they are committed by a person who abuses the authority conferred by his office. [34] However, sexual acts that do not involve penetration may be prohibited from the 14th century onwards.

In the case of the United Kingdom, the Court of Justice of the European Communities The law imposes several other restrictions on children under the age of 14: it is illegal for an adult to engage in sexual acts against such a child; showing pornographic material to such a child or causing him or her to watch sexual performances; or soliciting such a child to engage in sexual acts (e.g., online advertising). (Articles 221 and 222 of the Criminal Code). [103] Article 103 regulates any form of sexual activity with minors under the age of 15 (or minors under the age of 18 who are unable to understand the legal significance and consequences of such acts) such as the sexual abuse of children. [135] Raising the legal drinking age to 18, regardless of alcohol content or place of sale, will help prevent and reduce harm to children and adolescents from alcohol industry products and practices in Denmark. Neither the European Union nor the Council of Europe has proposed a specific age of consent and no effort has been made to harmonise the age in member States. However, most countries in Europe now have binding legal obligations regarding the sexual abuse of children under the age of 18. The Lanzarote Convention, ratified by all Council of Europe member states from 2021[1] and entered into force in 2011, obliges ratifying countries to criminalise certain acts committed by children under the age of 18, such as the involvement of these children in prostitution and pornography. Other acts to be criminalized are: Until 1998, homosexual acts between men were totally prohibited under article 171 (1929). In 1989, Alecos Modinos, president of the Cypriot gay liberation movement, brought a case before the European Court of Human Rights. In 1993, the Court ruled that the prohibition of homosexual acts constituted a violation of Article 8.

In January 1995, the Cypriot Government submitted a bill to the Cypriot Parliament which would have lifted the ban. Strong resistance from the Orthodox Church led to the bill being halted when it was referred to Parliament`s Legal Affairs Committee.

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